Our darling President has announced the date for elections: Wednesday 22 April 2009. He couldn't have picked a "better" date if he tried.Not only is it a Wednesday, but he selected the only week in April that was until then a full working week. So far we have public holidays on 10th, 13th and 27th April, not to mention 1st May. Now add 22 April and the traditional "National Productivity Week" from 27th April to 1st May, becomes National Productivity Month, from 1st April to 1st May. That's 18 working days in a month.
Allegedly this was done in an attempt to keep citizens living outside of the country from voting this election. With the pending court application, we'll have to watch the news to see if they get away with it or not.
Well I'm an April baby, so it looks like a good month filled with a lot of time off.
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