Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Robots that Deceive and Lie

Robots are the creation of logic, and it seems that to lie is logical in sum situations and that this logic can be translated into computer code. A Swiss laboratory create 10 robots and gave them the ability to communicate with each other. They ran an experiment to see if these robots can deceive one another.

The experiment worked as followed: (extract taken from LiveScience )
10 robots with downward-facing sensors competed for "food" - a light-colored ring on the floor. At the other end of the space, a darker ring - "poison" - was placed. The robots earned points for how much time they spent near food as opposed to poison.
Each robot can produce a blue light that can be seen by the others and which can give away the position of the "food" ring. Over time, the robots evolved to deceive each other about the food ring.

Their evolution was made possible by the artificial neural network that controlled each of the robots. The network consisted of 11 "neurons" that were connected to the robot's sensors and 3 that controlled its two tracks and its blue light. The neurons were linked via 33 connections - "synapses" - and the strength of these connections was each controlled by a single 8-bit gene. In total, each robot's 264-bit genome determines how it reacts to information gleaned from its senses.

The results:

The more successful robots became more secretive. By the 50th generation, they became much less likely to shine their lights near the food than elsewhere in the arena.

My Conclusion :

Does anyone know where we can find John Conner?

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